Blockpulsar Services Documentation (1.0.0)

Getting Started

Welcome to Blockpulsar!

With Blockpulsar, deploying a Solana program (smart contract) is straightforward.

Deploying a Solana Program

Follow the steps outlined below to deploy your Solana program:

1. Create Blockpulsar Client and Application

Click here to sign up and create a Blockpulsar Client and Application if you have not created one yet.

NOTE: When you create a Client you will get two keys: API KEY and SECRET KEY. These keys are unique to each Client. You can have multiple Clients and every single Client can have multiple applications with a unique ID generated by the system.

2. Create Your Application (Smart Contract)

Create your Solana program (smart contract) on your machine. You can download a minimal Hello World example from here. In the root directory open blockpulsar.json file (create if it does not exist) and provide the following values:

  "app_id": "<Application ID>",
  "stage": "dev | test | prod"

You can get the application ID from the user interface when you create a new application in STEP 1.

Add the Blockpulsar remote repository by running the following command:

git remote add bp https://<API KEY>:<SECRET KEY>

You need to do this once for every project and if you change your Blockpulsar Client keys.

3. Deploy Your Application (Smart Contract)

Make sure to commit (git commit) your code before deploying and whenever you modify the blockpulsar.json file. Run the following command to deploy your program (smart contract).

git push bp master

Instead of the master branch, you can provide any branch name you would like to deploy.

Solana Cluster

Blockpulsar solana cluster provides JSON RPC API and RPC PubSub WebSocket.

Blockpulsar Solana Validator URL

To interact with a Solana node inside a JavaScript or Typescript application, use the @solana/web3.js library, which provides a convenient interface for the RPC methods. You will need to pass only one of the above URLs as a connection parameter and authentication keys. Continue using the lib as the Solana validator is running on your machine.


Blockpulsar also provides a Solana Validator RPC API which fully matches the official Solana JSON RPC API.

@solana/web3.js example,

import * as web3 from '@solana/web3.js';

const connection = new web3.Connection("<API KEY>&secret=<SECRET KEY>");

Configure the Command-Line Tool

Use solana config set command to target Blockpulsar cluster. After setting the cluster target, any future subcommands will send/receive information from that cluster.

To target the Blockpulsar Mainnet cluster, run the following command:

solana config set --url "<API KEY>&secret=<SECRET KEY>"

Solana Websocket

Blockpulsar Solana Websocket API fully matches the official Solana Websocket API.

@solana/web3.js example,

import * as web3 from '@solana/web3.js';

const connection = new web3.Connection("<API KEY>&secret=<SECRET KEY>");

const wallet = Keypair.generate();
// Account Subscribe
const sub_id = connection.onAccountChange(
  (accountInfo, context) => console.log( 'Updated account info: ', accountInfo),